Sales Tax Filings (GST, HST and PST)

Value Added Tax can be a confusing topic as sales taxes can change depending on the nature and the province of the transactions. We’re here to help determine when the taxes apply, periodic filings and help you make the payments.

Compliance Accuracy

We ensure accurate and timely compliance with sales tax regulations. We have expertise in tax laws and regulations, keeping up with changes and ensuring businesses meet their obligations. By entrusting sales tax filing to our professionals, you minimize the risk of errors, penalties, and audits associated with non-compliance.

Time Saving

We save businesses valuable time and resources. Our service handles the entire sales tax filing process, including calculating tax liabilities, preparing returns, and submitting them to the appropriate tax authorities. This frees up internal resources, allowing you to focus on core activities and growth initiatives.

Risk Mitigation

Sales tax regulations can be complex and vary by province. Our sales tax filing service mitigates the risk of non-compliance by staying updated on tax laws, changes, and reporting requirements. We ensure that businesses file accurately, maintain proper records, and adhere to deadlines. 

Book a Free Consultation

306 - 3701 Hastings St
Burnaby, BC V5C 2H6